Secured or Unsecured?

Personal loans are a great way to fund large personal purchases or consolidate debt into one loan. A personal loan is an unsecured loan, meaning it isn’t backed by collateral such as a house or car, and typically requires no down payment. The personal loans you can get through a broker come at competitive interest rates and with flexible repayment terms.

At Hawk Financial, we are there to help guide you through the personal loan process. We will work with you to find the best lender for your particular needs and situation, to understand the different types of personal loans available in the market, including secured personal loans and unsecured personal loans, so that you can make an informed decision about which option works best for you.

We will also help you understand the costs associated with a personal loan so that you know exactly what expenses will be involved in taking out this type of loan. We can provide advice on how much money to borrow based on your current financial situation and goals for the use of the funds.

If you’d like assistance with your application, get in touch today!


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General Enquiries
0417 794 597
